Sunday, February 28, 2010


My birthday is a week from tomorrow!
My wish list in picture form...

No, i don't want a puppy, already have one. I would like for you to donate to your local humane society. The one in florence always needs food and blankets

Yes, brown :)

Dinner and wine

Movie night, because it's my favorite thing ever
Season 4...or 5...or 6 :)

But mostly, just another good year with my family and friends. ILOVETHEMLOTS!
oh, and some pictures! because one day i will make a day


the earthquake that hit chile (9.8) was even bigger than the one that destroyed haiti last month. Thankfully, Chile has better constuction and architecture. Their country survive although it is a mess.

The fear was that the aftershocks would wash up on Japan, Guam, Hawaii and California as well as many, many more places. According to the news this morning Japan completelely vacated their coast and the waves only rose 4 ft. Which is larger than normal, but no where near catastrophic. Hawaii also escaped, and on the coast of California, the height increase in waves was barely noticed. In fact, a surf contest that was planned was held as normal.

Thank God
the casualty count is staying moderately low for such a disaster

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

one life

"i've lived many lives in my lifetime"

I think that's one of the most inspirational thing i've ever heard
because after all, who wants just one life...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

i need to get away
i need to run from here
i need bigger buildings
more sidewalks
more people
i want to disappear

* * * *

everything here is so stagnate
they all seem content
The same old circles everyday
it's making me insane
I dont understand people
who can stay in the same place for their entire lives
sometimes i get the overwhelming urge to move
and i cant
so i escape for the day
until the urge passes and i return
to the life i am stuck with
for the time being
one day,
one day

Friday, February 19, 2010

At sixteen

Infatuation, maybe
That's what you feel
Love at sixteen can't be real
You'll fall together
Fall apart
He'll leave you with
A broken heart
They preached it often
Preached it loud
A love like ours was not
But the harder they fought
The more we shoved
Secrets fueling
Our desire for love
The stars gave their blessing
Our actions unseen
We had all we needed
In love at sixteen
Unbreakable we thought
One wrong move and it cracked
Tried to hold it together
But couldnt go back
Appologies spoken
The tears, they were shed
Unsure how to handle
Uncertainty ahead
Life played itself out
Your future and mine
To hold to the past
Would have wasted our time
So my only thought now
When you walk down the aisle
Is I had you first (love at sixteen)
And I smile


Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm going back!

My deposit is being paid Monday! You have no idea how excited i am to go back. Even with the fact that my hopes of becoming a spanish minor are diminishing, the thrill of traveling back to the place that made the goal a reality for's intense. I didnt think i would be this excited.

Sometimes it's good for the hot water to go out
It's good to take a shower that shocks me
that makes me shiver a little
it's good
because it reminds me that
99.9% of the time i have hot, running water
and that is something i take for granted
99.9% of the time

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My review of Valentine's Day (movie)

*Contains Spoilers*

so first of all, i thought this movie would be isanely cheesy. It wasnt too bad. The first fifteen minutes were incredibly sugar coated, but after that everyone's world started falling apart. It got a little more realistic. The main problem i had (only at the beginning) was keeping everyones storyline seperated. It is one where they are all intertwined..but so many people to keep straight!

* Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner did not need to be in this movie. Their part was a ridiculous attempt to add humor and bring in a younger crowd. I realize that their parts were written to make them sound like idiots, but it still doesnt improve my opinion of either of them. And for you Lautner lovers, he keeps his shirt on.

*Older couple.... Let's just say made me tear up.

*Didnt even recognize jessica biel for the first half hour. sad right?

*Finally a role in which i didnt fall for Patrick Dempsey! maybe he would do well with jessica alba?

* Bradley Cooper is once again charming and very attractive, which means that lots of women arent going to be to happy with his end scene. I enjoyed it.

*Julia Roberts...i didnt see that one coming, why didnt i see it. Perfect! perfect....
she plays her role well, which i think would be hard to do considering she and bradley cooper spend almost the entire movie aboard on airplane

*There was a lot of "aww-ing" and gasping in the audience. Who would have thought it would have been so dramatic?

I laughed more than i rolled my eyes, and i didnt feel the need to leave the theater, so...

Overall....3.5 out of 5 i suppose
One of my favorite the end during the credits Julia Roberts is riding in the back of a car. The driver says "This is rodeo drive...ever been here" She replies, "I tried to shop here once...big mistake, big, huge!"
made me laugh. no one else seemed to get it :(