Monday, February 7, 2011

One of my favorite things in the whole entire world is...Christina's little brother. And yes, Christina. Because she is super awesome too. But you just cant compete with an almost-three-year-old (dont tell her i said that). When i was super sick last weekend she called me and let him talk to me and it made me feel a million times better (we are studying hyperbole in class and my kids totally would have caught that one). He also skyped me so he could show me his new pex despensers. How awesome is that?

So lets week in bullets
*love third grade still. Although I have had two allergic reactions since i've been there and dont know what causes them.
*Took over language arts and we have been doing a figurative language unit. Tons, tons of fun.
*Two big things tomorrow. I get neighbors! (three more CC students doing field experiences!) And i get my first official observation. Not too nervous though. Dr. A seems pretty rad.
* Got super sick last weekend. But Nathan and Christina made me feel way better. My suitemates helped. They brought me soup
*Stressful day last week=pineapple rum. Yes, it's my happy place. Drank on Thursday night....and Friday night...which leads me to
*Job interview with Richland 2 on Saturday morning. It went well i think. i was pretty excited.
*Went home to work at the gym on Saturday afternoon. It was the annual father daughter dance. Spent the entire day filling balloons with helium to fill up the basketball court. Tied so many that my fingers went numb. Chaperoned the food table. Then spent about twenty minutes sucking helium out of balloons and talking in funny voices. Yeah...we take our job seriously. For real though. We do.
*Tried to finish Weeds with Christina. Fell asleep (of course). Was woken up by an trouble making two year old. :D Who i spent my morning with.
* Sunday lunch with my mom and dad for daddy's birthday
*Got new contacts!
*Internet out on campus so drove around Cola on a Wifi hunt

aaand that leads me to today.

Hey guys :)

check out my tumblr

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So in the third grade there are a few foreign (Asian...not sure from where exactly...) students who are pretty new and have been learning English this year. Most of the time their English is good but sometimes we just dont know what they are talking about

like today during recess one of the boys was trying to go back inside. One of the teachers stopped him and asked what he was doing. He looked at her and as serious as could be said "Eat pizza, drink soda! Pah-tee!" She (confused) asked him to repeat himself. He started jumping up and down yelling "Eat Pizza! Drink Soda! Pah-tee!!"

She looked at me, shook her head, kind of laughed and said.."I'm not sure if he has to pee...or if he wants to have a party..."

Oh fun times in third grade

Monday, January 24, 2011

Itchy, Tired, Excited, Sleeeepy

So let me just start off by saying I havent been sleeping well lately. And by not sleeping well I mean I will wake up every thirty minutes, have very vivid dreams and therefore wake up exhausted. The dreams are always pretty similar and although good ones, I wish they would cease. Somethings you just don't need to be reminded of, at least not on a regular basis.

Anway, that was the case last night. Tried to go to sleep by eleven like a good teacher. Woke up around 12 and stayed awake until after two. Woke up ever half hour or so and when my alarm went off at 5:45 I was not a happy camper.

On an upside. I love student teaching so far. I mean i havent even been in the class a full week yet, but my cooperating teacher is incredible and my kids are, despite being full of ridiculous amounts of energy and a little mischievous, super sweet (for the most part). Everyone i have encountered around school seems pretty helpful too.

There is one little girl who loves (excuse me, adores) blue butterflies and anything chocolate. She is usually pretty good but she never, ever stops asking questions. Right now they are doing a research project and she must have half a dozen books on her topic yet she almost refuses to look stuff up on her own. This isnt going to fly.

Another little girl I really enjoy having in the class reminds me so much of myself when i was in third grade. She always has a random fact to share, she walks down the hall reading a book, she plays with the boys at recess and she never brushes her crazy thick long hair. I would hate to have to comb that out :/

I havent gotten to know many of the boys that well but there are two that I think I am going to get along really well with. One of them plays travel soccer and he is kind of obsessed. He plays all the time, its pretty much all he talks about and writes about :) The other one isnt in my homeroom class but he will sneak out of his class to hug me and hang out while i teach. i have to literally run him back to his class.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goal for 2011

Get my life together...

whatever that means


pretty excited