Wednesday, December 1, 2010

here's the deal...

I didnt have internet over Thanksgiving break, and it is, as you all know, Hell Week at school. So...sorry for the SERIOUS lack of updates.

Thanksgiving break was fun. Got to catch up with one of my good friends i havent hung out with in what seems like AGES. Dinner with the family...all 50+ of them showed up :) Black Friday shopping with my favorite cousins...minus a few who were slack and stayed in bed *cough* Lora, Victoria *cough* still love them though.

So...despite it being hell week and all, the week actually hasnt been that bad. I am doing well. Most of my work is done. And my mood is quite a bit better than it has been in a while. I think I am going to chalk it up to seeing family/friends i havent seen in a while. And some lessons learned.

One thing I have discovered, "When you get bit by a snake, you're supposed to suck the poison out. That's what I had to do. Suck all the poison out of my life." Yes, i did just quote mean girls. And i apologize. But it holds true. Sometimes you're the poison, some times other people are poison. You can't make everyone like you. Some people just won't. It is not worth it to harm yourself in your efforts to win approval. Forget that. If they don't know how awesome you are, then it's their loss.

Enjoy the friends you have. Love the life you live <3

Sometimes you need to roll down the windows and scream out the lyrics to your favorite song. Sometimes you need to dance around your room with your suite mate. Sometimes you need to blow up a friends phone with text messages, forget the paper and go get ice cream, or curl up in a ball and watch a Weeds marathon while trying to force yourself to do homework's the little things that make it better.