Saturday, July 3, 2010

day 1/2 in Mexico

I was late to the caravan bc i was having an anxiety attack while watching Dana die (L'Word). Not the best way to start the day because my dreams on the plane werent all super pleasant :(

Left for airport at 5:30 AM. Sat in airport forever...talked with a group of three guys from Australia. they are traveling the world pretty much. They have been gone for two weeks and had just spent about a week in the US, not sure what parts.

Anyway we were almost to Mexico when one of the guys had a seizure. Apparently it was his first one. There was the usual mass panic on the plane. People freaking out..children screaming. We had to u-turn the plane around...yup and we did an emergency landing/layover in New Orleans. Sat there for over two hours and was not allowed off the plane. Tried to sleep, but there were three screaming children. I now understand the urge some parents get to shake children. I mean, I do not condone it at all and i never would. I would walk away before that happened, but I understand the urge. So almost three hours of nonstop screaming children we take off again. I managed to sleep but had unsettling dreams about friends dying. so listened to my ipod a little bit...FINALLY made it to Mexico!


At the luggage pickup someone grabbed my bag. Apparently looked just like his. Umm...not good. Got it back though. Then went through customs..and I was the one randomly selected for the search. Yeah they kinda tore my bag up, but its cool because i am NOT a terrorist..nope...

Took a long bus ride to Cuernavaca <3 But since we were so late our families were not there to pick us up. aaand for some reason we didnt not have addresses or contact information. So we climbed into 4 cabs (the one i was in didnt crank and then once it did crank promptly broke down..yes, i am a travel jinx apparently) and drove to the school in hopes to find someone. We did thankfully and our mama rescued us!

Then she gave us some amaaaazing food which rocked bc prior to that the last thing i ate was a chicken biscuit at 4:30 am and it was currently about....8:00 SC time. and she let us know that we had wireless internet so i got to skype and facebook before bed <3 as much as i dislike it i am addicted to the communication.

it poured rain last night which means i slept amazingly...that hasnt really happened in ages....and when i woke up there was another incredible meal. i am going to gain so much weight if i dont convince Leata to work out with me. On the upside...this house has a workout room. So the bad trip here, totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to reading more about your stay in Mexico...and your unlucky adventures!:D
