Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flower Juice?

Yep. Flower juice. Made out of dried rose least that's we understood the cook to say. I really need to work on remembering her name, but i think it's hard to pronounce...I just feel bad saying "the cook" "the maid" "the nanny" i need to find out their names again.

Anyway, I'm super sleepy, so I am going to keep it brief. i also apologize for my lack of updates. I did promise AnnaMay and Sjaan that i would update at least once a week, so for those of you who i dont talk to daily and arent quite in the loop, here goes:

I forget where i left off last time. But the newest update is Leata and I got a new housemate. His name is James, he (i think) teaches high school chemistry. Guessing his age to be around 24. Cute enough, slightly weird...but he plays the sax and trobone. the music is often appreciated. Oh two more houseguests to add to that. The grandchildren on mis padres. an eleven year old girl who's name i can never remember, their names are difficult, cut me some slack, and a four year old boy named Juan Pablo who often gets called Juanpo or Jonny for short. He still hasnt quite warmed up to us yet, he's a little shy. But he plays soccer and likes the monkey bars and i call him my little monkey. it makes him laugh.

The whole group of us, plus a friend of the little girl went to get ice-cream yesterday. Talk about an unwanted adventure. First off, we all had to pile in the same car. You can imagine that...The ice cream place was a little fancy, had chandeliers and everything. The ice-cream was good, but it was so very crowded in that small space. Screaming children everywhere. One little girl would not stop crying and JuanPablo just wanted to play on the playground. he didnt even care about ice-cream so we stayed with all of the screaming kids for over an hour, because every ten minutes or so mama would call the kids together like we were going to leave, and then say..ok just a little more time. i swear that happened about 10 times. yeesh.

So I have a new conversation teacher. Her name is Graciella and she is super adorable. Like a little hispanic doll. She always wears bright clothes and comes in wearing seashell jewelry and butterfly berrets in her hair. i want to keep her lol. She just talks so fast! and laughs at everything. But makes class pretty entertaining.

Today we went to Las Estacas Natural Water park. it was one of my favorite excursions last time and still my favorite this year. Not much to say except the water was freezing! but worth it, and the scenery was beautiful. :) check out my fb album

Tomorrow starts my party weekend. I will update :)

~later days~

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