1. I don’t mind if my socks are inside out
2. I am pretty good at public speaking because I can bs stuff without it sounding like it’s made up
3. I am a chronic insomniac. Have been for about 4 years…the only way I sleep well is if I am physically exhausted or am laying next to someone else
4. I love falling asleep outside
5. I have never been tempted to smoke…ever
6. However, the smell of newports is usually somewhat comforting
7. I over use the word “love” because I feel like life is a beautiful place that is underappreciated…although lately I have been trying to use words like “adore, admire…really, really like
8. I have been in love twice
9. I think I fell in love on the beach, and I blame the ocean
10. I believe teenagers can fall in love. I just believe they don’t have the discipline or actual desire to make it long term, which isn’t really a fault
11. I painted my nails black every day for an entire year, and once it hit a year (to the day it was January 3) I stopped. And don’t think I have had them black since…
12. I have a little sister, Victoria..and although she isn’t biologically my sister I will fight for her. She looks up to me and sometimes I worry that I’m not the best role model for her…
13. I used to wear bondage pants and chains…black one, red ones and dark blue ones (imagine that)
14. Whenever I am in an argument I tend to walk away to cool down because I hate people seeing me upset. I always hope that someone will care enough to follow me…to stop me. Even if they don’t know what to say they will hug me and validate my feelings
15. I hate when people talk down to me and say I’m irrational. I also hate being told that I’m acting like a girl. I am a girl. Why don’t you say what you really want to? I also feel that people’s emotions are only irrational if you aren’t the one feeling them. To the other person they may be completely rational.
16. I tense up when touched by someone I don’t know. I have to know you really well to let you hug me. Don’t take offense if you are a hug-y type person
17. However, sometimes I crave physical touch
18. I prefer homemade gifts to store bought ones. But if it is a store bought one…i love random little things that fit my personality. Something that shows you know me well
19. I will go out of my way to buy something for someone if I know they will like it. It’s a habit that leaves me broke often. But I love it
20. I find it adorable when a guy/girl uses cute-sy talk with their pets or with babies. It always finds its way into my heart
21. I still get the urge to break things
22. I can quote every line to While You Were Sleeping, and my mother and I do this often in normal conversation
23. I talk through movies…bad habit coming from someone who works at a theater but, oh well
24. I will go out of my way to make someone smile, because I never know what kind of day they are having/what their life is like. And sometimes the things you don’t know could break your heart
25. I give money to charities. I particularly love Angle Tree organizations
26. Christmas makes me super happy and super sad at the same time. But no worries, the happy usually wins out
27. I love having my hair played with
28. I attract creepers like nobody’s business. It’s insane how they find me. I think I have a neon sign that only they can see
29. I rarely ever cry about real life, but movies (especially sappy love stories, or ones with bad child/parent relationships) make me break down
30. I’m not ready to be a grown up
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