Saturday, November 6, 2010

time for the 3 month update?

It’s been forever since I’ve updated. I was recently going back through my old myspace and found some awesome blogs that I forgot about and it inspired me to get back on and update because I like being able to look back at my life. I actually haven’t changed that much since high school in case you were interested. I mean people change…events, well they actually have a tendency to repeat themselves. And me...I’m just along for the ride.

So first off I would just like to say that I really miss Whitney James.  I haven’t talked to my best friend in weeks because life is so insanely busy and I hate it, especially since she has been going through such a hard time recently. She knows she can call me anytime though. Or at least her phone does, because I do get random voicemails when her pocket decides to hit the speed dial button  I love being on speed dial. And I love Whitney and I wish she was here so I could talk about all the crazy…stuff…that has been going on. Remember when I met you at the beach over the summer and it took me four hours to get there bc of that traffic jam (and because I went to the wrong beach…) and I skipped lab, but you convinced me to spend the night and I made it back in time for class the next morning even though I had to leave ridiculously early? Remember how we walked and talked and walked and talked and fell asleep by the water and how life was perfect even though in reality everything was so bad? Well I miss you. A lot.

Another thing I would like to discuss is romantic relationships. Or lack there-of. Whatever. I can’t believe everyone is getting married. I mean, I know that’s what people do after college, I guess…it seems to be the popular choice anyway...but I refuse to feel alienated because I don’t have the desire to do so. Some people say it’s because I haven’t met the right person yet, but honestly I don’t really have the desire to go out and find the right person. I blame my parents. Not sure why, but it’s what most kids do right? So passing the blame.

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want a relationship. Yeah…a steady committed one might be nice. But really, sometimes all I want is someone to hold me. I am a believer that touch has healing powers. Sometimes you just really need a physical connection with another human being (one that you are physically attracted to doesn’t hurt). Relaxing, stress relief, exciting, maybe just a brief break from reality. So yeah…a relationship would be nice don’t get me wrong, but maybe not a necessity at the time. I’ve been contemplating the idea of open relationships ever since someone on facebook asked me what it meant. (For general information, I am listed as being in an open relationship with Morgan Lutz…which may or may not be true. I’m leaning towards may not, because as much as I love Morgan…my choosing of that status simply implies that sometimes I miss her more than I can put into words). So yeah…this open relationship thing…not sure if I quite get it. A little more than friends with benefits maybe? I mean I’m not against it as long as all parties involved understand what’s going on. Is that weird? I’m actually not sure all parties would be able to handle it…because as little as I do know about girls, I do know one thing. Jealousy. Don’t get me started. Anyway…

The friend with benefits thing…been there, tried that. Ok..maybe tried isn’t necessarily in past tense. Or maybe it is. I take things as they come with that situation…it’s far away now. Ok…so 90 some odd miles might not be far. But it’s whatever…especially when someone’s heart is in Nevada. As far as benefits go, don’t jump to conclusions. I’m not thinking what you’re thinking…and even if I was, it’s none of your business.

I do have a question though: is “using someone” still considered bad if both parties are using each other equally and are both aware of it? I mean if I don’t find it problematic…is it still a problem? I’m not sure. My moral compass has become skewed toward my own morals and maybe not things commonly considered moral/immoral. However…I think my moral standards remain pretty high. Just saying.

…I love ellipses…oh and according to one description of my astrological sign…Pisces come across as asexual…

So respond
To one, or several, of the topics above….or make your own topic

1 comment:

  1. I know a guy who defines himself as "poly." So, he has two boyfriends and a girlfriend who he all all loves equally. It's an interesting thing, but I think that's one type of the the "open relationship" deal. &his girl/boyfriends are apparently okay with it. I think open relationships are mainly made so that others don't have to feel committed, though.

    &i don't think that using someone who's using you equally is bad. if only because that's how Richard &I started dating.

    And yes, you do come across as asexual.
