Thursday, December 24, 2009

Health care bill past
it will supposedly go into effect in 4 years
but taxes hit sooner than that
i, for one, can't afford higher taxes
neither can my family

and that's all i have to say about that....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

appeasing Sjaan

so i was told to update
which i would do more regularly IF i actually had proof someone read this
but seeing as how no one leaves comments i just kind of update when i feel the urge and since i have been sick the past few days i havent really had the desire...
I get sick every time i come back to florence.
I am allergic to SC and especially florence. But my body figures out how to work through it after a week or so

So what's happened since school got out

*I've watched a TON of christmas movies. i love them. not going to even pretend on that one. hallmark christmas movies are super cheesy and totally rock
*my mom put up a christmas tree. by HERSELF without me begging. haha see there is hope for everyone
*i worked in ms stacie's first grade for two days.
*We made placemats for a local nursing home. some of them are gorgeous. i was super excited :D
*Went to the Julia Christmas party. havent worked there in 3 years, still a big fan of quite a few of those people. Most people ditched early, but some of us stayed for hours. i mean how long can you really stay at a pancake house? i think 4 hours was pushing it
*i think that may be where i contracted the sickness. at least thats what taylor believes
*almost froze my fingers off working Movie on the Lawn. Polar Express outside in 35 degree weather? yuck. 3 hours serving hot chocolate..not too bad i guess
*back at the MACK pretty cool
*back at the theater...i miss the crazy hectic-ness. the busier it is, the more i like it
*I want to see Avatar (thought I'd throw that in there) actually SOOOO many movies i need to catch up on BUT
*I have no idea when my next day off is :/

Oh well. trying to save up money this is my goal: West Virginia, Mexico, Random Road Trip (i'll figure it out), Europe (Spain?!?), California!

Those are my travel plans for the next two years


Sjaan, this is my update just for you.
I love you lots and miss you like crazy
send good vibes my way
i'm going to need them as i fill my lungs with toxic popcorn air

and for everyone else, have a cup of peppermint hot chocolate and crawl back into bed
what else is christmas break good for?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

why i love exam week

Today I:

Slept in

totally rocked my music exam...heck yes

Danced on bubble wrap..yeah we did :D

had a crazy dance party...oh you'll never know

Blew bubbles :)

and colored with sidewalk chalk

And now I am having movie night with my roomie and suitemate
It has been a fantastic day

So i am really mad at myself
because i am having this split personality thing
almost like there are two totally different people arguing in my head
and no, i'm not one of those people...thanks for your concern :/

You see, there is this person
and i think i give them more credit than i should
because i love hanging out with them
and they make me laugh
it's always lots of fun
and i care a lot about what they think
maybe too much...
because it seems like they rarely have anything good to say
and when they make offhand comments or insults it hurts
probably more than it should
and definitely more than it would if anyone else had said it
because i put way to much stock in what they think

So part of me wants to forget it
and do what Hope told me to do
and say suck it up, get over it
because really i shouldn't care that much
and if they wanted to be good friends
or something more
than they would put some effort in
then another part of me thinks that if i could just improve
or do better than maybe i could gain approval
and that's why i get mad at myself
I shouldnt let myself get so insecure
People that make you feel bad about yourself
are not worth your time

So easy to say
so hard to practice

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So i only have one more day of classes and two exams between me and christmas break. so i shouldnt be this stressed right?'s getting worse
Next semester i have to take 21 credit hours. that's not the problem. the problem is paying for them. i thought they were 300 dollars for the ones over 18. but turns out it is 600 dollars. That is 1800 dollars!! i have 1200 dollars in combined refund checks, that STILL leaves 600.

why does it cost that much? that is insane. no wonder so many students do not graduate on time. i cannot affor to be a semester behind. i also cannot tell my parents, who also cannot afford the 600 dollars. Oh and to top it all off, i have to pay for summer classes too

You know what that means? The money i am making over winter break that i was planning on saving for my senior trip to europe. not happening, the saving that is. Hopefully the trip still will.

Keeping my fingers crossed Morgan.

And i have to do my teaching fellows project proposal. like SOON. This week
