Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm losing you

and its effortless....

Trying not to give a damn is a lot harder than i thought it would be.
I feel like I am losing/may have lost a really good friend
and I dont know what to do about it
This, for the record, is why i keep everyone at arms length

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lies and Bullshit

I am tired of it all
I hate when people lie to me
and lying by leaving out facts, or ignoring the question, or alluding to an answer that may or may not be correct
It's all bullshit
And i know i am guilty of this sometimes too
but i am def. going to work on stopping if it pisses other people off as much as it pisses me off
whats worse is when the things that are being lied about arent even a big deal..like you could just tell me?
I would rather be upset for all of 5 minutes than to be tangled in some kind of dumb game
If you dont want to say what up just say you dont want to say.
If you want to change plans, change plans
but dont lie.
Lying is dumb

and btw, i feel that people should accept i dont want to talk about it as a legitimate answer
just saying

So resolution #75846 for jennifer: stop lying..even partial lying....

and i think everyone else should do the same

Thursday, June 10, 2010

someday i will find someone who wants me
and i will be happy

and maybe i will fall in love
not that i am in a hurry
it's just nice you know?
the thought