Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hey look at me :)

I am updating again.

So I went to Mexico City for an excursion on Saturday, and i wasnt kidnapped or anything! Saw lots of amazing artwork because there was some kind of giant craft fair going on. Took tons of pictures. Loved it. LOVE. <3>

After the art exhibit in the park we went to a museum. Diego Rivera and Delores Olmedo. They didnt have much work on display, the coolest part of the museum was outside where there were peacocks walking around. So pretty. Once again, all pictures are on facebook.

After the museum we went on a party boat through some little river into a lake. there were lots and lots of party boats...Hmm...imagine Venice..a little more colorful, a lot more crowded and a little more fiesta. That's what it was. :D

I am getting tired of grammar classes...for real. My head is spinning there are so many tenses. Soooo many. Who would have thought? And i am starting to think with spanish subtitles. Everytime i have a thought i think "now how would i say that in spanish" oh goodness...

Let's see..yesterday was monday and we did..nothing. Well i watched another episode of the Lword and talked to chris and cat online. but besides that, nothing. I even forgot to do my homework...i know, i know. bad student

Today the other girls in the group were going to see Twilight. Leata and I had absolutely no interest in going whatsoever. So we were left on our own to figure out what to do. We originally wanted to walk to a super awesome waterfall but it started raining so we went bowling instead. we were a little scared the alley would be sketch but it turned out to be super awesome. they had the alley, a cool indoor playground for the kids, an arcade, pool tables, full service restaurant and something upstairs with big screen tv's. we didnt venture up there though.

Forgot that shoe sizes in the US and shoe sizes anywhere else are not the same, we had an interseting time trying to estimate if we were in the 20's...or not. :) Then we had to explain (I had to explain..bc Leata is determined to get me to talk more) that the lane was not working.
Eventually we got to play and i remembered...oh yeah! i suck at bowling. My best score out of all four games was a 93. *sigh* Oh well it was soooo much fun. We laughed lots. And got out of the house and practiced our Spanish. overall win.

Tepoztlan tomorrow. Then Acapulo this weekend!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flower Juice?

Yep. Flower juice. Made out of dried rose petals...at least that's we understood the cook to say. I really need to work on remembering her name, but i think it's hard to pronounce...I just feel bad saying "the cook" "the maid" "the nanny" i need to find out their names again.

Anyway, I'm super sleepy, so I am going to keep it brief. i also apologize for my lack of updates. I did promise AnnaMay and Sjaan that i would update at least once a week, so for those of you who i dont talk to daily and arent quite in the loop, here goes:

I forget where i left off last time. But the newest update is Leata and I got a new housemate. His name is James, he (i think) teaches high school chemistry. Guessing his age to be around 24. Cute enough, slightly weird...but he plays the sax and trobone. the music is often appreciated. Oh two more houseguests to add to that. The grandchildren on mis padres. an eleven year old girl who's name i can never remember, their names are difficult, cut me some slack, and a four year old boy named Juan Pablo who often gets called Juanpo or Jonny for short. He still hasnt quite warmed up to us yet, he's a little shy. But he plays soccer and likes the monkey bars and i call him my little monkey. it makes him laugh.

The whole group of us, plus a friend of the little girl went to get ice-cream yesterday. Talk about an unwanted adventure. First off, we all had to pile in the same car. You can imagine that...The ice cream place was a little fancy, had chandeliers and everything. The ice-cream was good, but it was so very crowded in that small space. Screaming children everywhere. One little girl would not stop crying and JuanPablo just wanted to play on the playground. he didnt even care about ice-cream so we stayed with all of the screaming kids for over an hour, because every ten minutes or so mama would call the kids together like we were going to leave, and then say..ok just a little more time. i swear that happened about 10 times. yeesh.

So I have a new conversation teacher. Her name is Graciella and she is super adorable. Like a little hispanic doll. She always wears bright clothes and comes in wearing seashell jewelry and butterfly berrets in her hair. i want to keep her lol. She just talks so fast! and laughs at everything. But makes class pretty entertaining.

Today we went to Las Estacas Natural Water park. it was one of my favorite excursions last time and still my favorite this year. Not much to say except the water was freezing! but worth it, and the scenery was beautiful. :) check out my fb album

Tomorrow starts my party weekend. I will update :)

~later days~

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

6 de julio

No recurdo que dia es...pues..

Tuve pesadillas toda de anoche, entonces no durme bueno. No fue llueve y fue mas calor en mi cuarto :( Por desayun mi mama nos dio Corn Pops :) yummm. Pienso mi clase de gramatica es mas facil para mi y para Leata, entonces en la manana quizas intentaremos un otra clase. Mi clase de conversacion fui muy interesante. Hablaron sobre fantasmos y brujas y el dia de diablo...mucho historia de fantasmos in Cuernavaca. En la clase fue muy cansada, entonces despues de clase yo tuve una siesta por un hora y media. Despues de siesta yo habla con christina y catrina y sam. Despues yo y leata fuimos a la tienda donde nuestra padres trabaja. Yo tome mas photos para Christina y para nathan! :) Photos de Buzz Lightyear :)
Despues de salimos la tiendo fuimos a la supermercado y compramos mucho y mucho pan. Me encantan pan <3 Mi padre fui bailiando en la mercado <3 yo bailo con el. Fui mucho divertir

Ok. that was the super short grammatically incorrect Spanish version of my day.
In english, i had nightmares all last night, spawning from a conversation i had prior to sleep and consisting of all of my friends dying one by one. It was pretty bad and shook me up a lot even after i was awake. it didnt help that it did not rain and i have been depending on the rain to help me sleep. for breakfast we had cornpops, the most american breakfast you can have, I am sure. My papa made himself a disgusting yet healthy smoothie with beets and carrots, celery, flaxseed and aloe vera. he said it was delicious, i dont believe him. but the site of him in his business suit and mi mamas tiny apron was almost worth me trying a little bit of it. Blech!

I think my grammar class is a little too easy. But my conversation class is pretty interesting. We talked about witches and ghosts and devils and chewpacabras and other ghost stories from Mexico folklore. I also had to explain the concept of drag queens. was pretty interesting

After class ate lunch. cant remember what it was, but it was amazing. Then it was sleepy time. After nap talked to christina and sam and catrina then went to the store my parents work at. Took picture of Spanish Buzz for Christina and Nathan! Then went to buy bread It was amazing. So amazing in fact that when we got home we started in on it. We bought so much though it will (maybe) last all week <3. My papa and I danced around the grocery store. and around the kitchen. it was our happy awesome bread dance. I love my family <3

Goodnight ladies. Hasta luego

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 3

Woke up entirely too early this morning. Well..ok so i stayed up too late last night, otherwise things would have been fine. At about 2:00 something in my room started beeping and i couldnt figure out what it was. It was driving me insane! Leata thinks I am crazy..she never heard it. Anyway morning started at 7 AM! woot! Our mama made us pancakes and we had fruit. No me gusto mango..pero watermelon esta bien.

Loaded the bus and drove into Mexico city. Three younger boys sat right in front of us and kept us slightly entertained with comments about splitting atoms to make anti-matter, creating bombs and using laser swords...actually we kind of kept ourselves entertained by quietly mocking them..it was all in fun, they are pretty cool kids.

I fell asleep of course, as most modes of transportation tend to make me super sleepy. And i woke up in Teotihuacan :) the city of the gods. We took a tour that was long and i have heard most of it before so i spent most of the time bargaining with street vendors. I bought a present! The first one, but more to come if money permits..and i hope it does. Let's hope the parents remembered to pick up my paycheck...

Street vendors are usually good at bargaining about things..but they are super persistent. If you dont think you want to buy something, dont even look at it! They will follow you around for an hour. Trust me, it happened. But i am super happy with what i ended up getting.

After the tour we went to have lunch. Mi mama made me a sandwhich..tomato, turkey, queso de fresa y avocado. It sounds weird, but it was amazing. After lunch tequila shots for everyone...ok so they had a table set up showing how tequila was made. We still got the shots. I had to explain to half a dozen people how to do the salt/lime/shot thing. *Sigh* four shots in and i was happy and ready to go climb pyramids :)

No joke, thats what we did. I climbed the temple of the sun god. Not sure exactly how high it is, but check out the pictures on facebook. i will find the height at somepoint and post it on here. After lots of climbing and some fun pictures i was chased around by yet more vendors. A dollar for a silver bracelet? Yeah ok..it will make your whole body turn green and your arm fall off for that price. Anyway..then on to the bus and another 3 hours bus ride. Back home to mi mama y papa y comida :)

then i realized exactly how sunburnt i was as i scoreched myself in the shower. aaaand i have been facebooking for the last hour and have posted pictures :) yay me

Class tomorrow, so time for bed
~later days~

Saturday, July 3, 2010

day 1/2 in Mexico

I was late to the caravan bc i was having an anxiety attack while watching Dana die (L'Word). Not the best way to start the day because my dreams on the plane werent all super pleasant :(

Left for airport at 5:30 AM. Sat in airport forever...talked with a group of three guys from Australia. they are traveling the world pretty much. They have been gone for two weeks and had just spent about a week in the US, not sure what parts.

Anyway we were almost to Mexico when one of the guys had a seizure. Apparently it was his first one. There was the usual mass panic on the plane. People freaking out..children screaming. We had to u-turn the plane around...yup and we did an emergency landing/layover in New Orleans. Sat there for over two hours and was not allowed off the plane. Tried to sleep, but there were three screaming children. I now understand the urge some parents get to shake children. I mean, I do not condone it at all and i never would. I would walk away before that happened, but I understand the urge. So almost three hours of nonstop screaming children we take off again. I managed to sleep but had unsettling dreams about friends dying. so listened to my ipod instead...read a little bit...FINALLY made it to Mexico!


At the luggage pickup someone grabbed my bag. Apparently looked just like his. Umm...not good. Got it back though. Then went through customs..and I was the one randomly selected for the search. Yeah they kinda tore my bag up, but its cool because i am NOT a terrorist..nope...

Took a long bus ride to Cuernavaca <3 But since we were so late our families were not there to pick us up. aaand for some reason we didnt not have addresses or contact information. So we climbed into 4 cabs (the one i was in didnt crank and then once it did crank promptly broke down..yes, i am a travel jinx apparently) and drove to the school in hopes to find someone. We did thankfully and our mama rescued us!

Then she gave us some amaaaazing food which rocked bc prior to that the last thing i ate was a chicken biscuit at 4:30 am and it was currently about....8:00 SC time. and she let us know that we had wireless internet so i got to skype and facebook before bed <3 as much as i dislike it i am addicted to the communication.

it poured rain last night which means i slept amazingly...that hasnt really happened in ages....and when i woke up there was another incredible meal. i am going to gain so much weight if i dont convince Leata to work out with me. On the upside...this house has a workout room. So the bad trip here, totally worth it.